Creating Effective Videos to Market Your Brand

Your brand’s identity shapes how consumers feel about and interact with your business. We highly recommend utilizing video marketing into your overall marketing strategy as it raises brand awareness, captures consumer attention, and engages them to take further action like no other form of marketing. You can use videos on social media, through paid advertisements, and on your website and blog posts. With all that being said, we’d like to provide some insights and tips into creating effective videos to marketing your business’s brand.

The subject of your video must be VERY specific.

Ex. your company wants to increase brand awareness about your new t-shirts, be sure your video is targeting your exact demographic such as baby boomers and how your t-shirts will benefit them.

Prepare BEFORE you start filming.

What clothing are you going to wear to represent your business? Do you have a quiet location to film with proper lighting? How many people will be in the video? If so, be sure they have a script to work from. Make sure your language is clear and concise. Have your concise bran statement ready. Act the scene several times before recording and make sure you’ve answered all of these questions before filming day.

Bring your brand’s personality to life.

Be energetic and enthusiastic during the filming. Whether you are a law office, or an athletic brand, show your brand’s personality because your voice and word choices can help customers determine if you are right for them. Helpful tip: If you feel like you’re being too “over the top” in your video, you’re probably doing it just right!

Always have a Call To Action.

Your Call to Action should be very clear at the beginning and end of your video, so people know how to take action and reach out to you once they’ve watched your video. If you are using a new URL or landing page, make sure it works before going live with your video.

When you upload to YouTube, use keywords in the titles and description.

Always upload your video to YouTube so it has a home base to be found and viewed at. Google owns Youtube, so the more videos and interaction you have on Youtube, the better your SEO on Google. Also, be sure to include links to your Call to Action landing page or website.

For more education, guidance, and video marketing insights and tips, take our Video Marketing Like a Professional Course through Pearl Marketing Academy. Become a video marketing pro at your own pace and in the convenience of whatever location you choose to be in when taking our helpful online marketing courses! For more information, visit pearlmarketingacademy,com OR email [email protected]!